Thursday, April 9, 2020

Renewable Energy Technology and How It Is Used In Today's World

This is an article written by Paul Luciw

With the rising cost of fossil fuels and the effect they are having on the environment people have become more interested in alternative energy sources such as renewable energy technology. Renewable energy technology is a type of alternative energy that is considered green and focuses on energy that is replaced as it is being used, such as solar energy and wind energy. Alternative energy includes all renewable energy sources, but also includes things like nuclear power and energy from municipal waste. These forms of alternative energy are not considered green.
Today many home owners are turning to these renewable energy technologies to reduce the monthly utility bill. These technologies include solar energy panels and wind turbines. Solar energy panels are used to turn energy from the Sun into electricity that can be used to run various household appliances. Wind turbines use the wind power to drive generators which also provide electricity for the home.
These systems can be installed professionally or by the home owner. The ability of the home owner to install these systems has been greatly aided by amount of information that is available on the internet and from other sources. The components needed to build solar panels and wind turbines are also becoming less expensive and are easy to source. The home owner can save money by building and installing these systems themselves. Not only do they end up saving money on their electricity bill but also on the actual installation of the system.
Not only are renewable energy technologies being used by home owners to reduce the utility bill there are now solar-powered chargers for cell phones, batteries and small household appliances. Solar-powered technologies can even be seen on the side of highways to power lights and signs.
Many areas of the world are seeing the creation of huge wind farms. These wind farms contain hundreds of wind turbines that generate large amounts of electricity for nearby urban centers. There are a number of these wind farms located in the state of California that supply a significant amount of energy in the form of electricity. One such wind farm is located in the San Gorgonio Pass. This pass is one of the windiest places in California and is the gateway into the Coachella Valley. Some of the wind turbines in use are up to 160 feet in height.
Renewable energy technology is being put to use by governments, private industry and home owners. This is being done to reduce energy costs and minimize the effects on global warming. Likely this trend will continue as the cost of producing energy with fossil fuels increases and the effects of global warming becomes more apparent.
Best Regards
Paul Luciw

Has The Introduction of Robot Technology Increased The Unemployment Rate?

This is an article  written by Paul Luciw

Many have asked will the continuing introduction of robot technology affect the jobless rate in today's society. The introduction of robots in the manufacturing industry has already made profound changes in the manufacturing industry especially in the in the automotive sector. Just ask the employees at various automotive, food processing and electronics manufacturing facilities.
People jobs are being replaced by advances in artificial intelligence and advances in robot technology. This can be a good thing as it will and is increasing productivity in the manufacturing sector. After all robots don't need to rest and surely won't ask for a raise in pay. However these machines will need to be installed and maintained. This will require computer and robot technicians. This could be good thing with regards to creating good paying jobs. However this type of work force will be limited especially when the computer and robot industry learns how to create the software and hardware that make up these devices more cheaply and faster. The production and replacement of these robot devices will become plug and play. All you have to look at how the operating systems that run our computers and smart phones has evolved. Smart phones have become throw away devices after two or three years. The same is and will occur in the robotics and AI industry.
Although robot technologies have removed the need to use humans to do the more repetitive and boring tasks, they do reduce the need for employees. This of course has increased the unemployment rate in certain urban areas, at least until those who have lost jobs can upgrade their skill sets.
But whose to say once these people have upgraded their skill sets they won't be replace more advances in technology. Just ask the people who work in the information technology industry. It is said people working in this industry need to upgrade their skills every three to four years. A computer technician working thirty years ago didn't need to know anything about the internet. They didn't have to know anything about AI such as voice recognition or speech synthesis, except in the most secret and primitive applications.
On a positive note these changes are being seen in the fast food industry. As technology advances those who own and manage these types of businesses are already making changes to maximize profits use artificial intelligence and related robot technologies. Some of these technologies actually allow the customer to interact with them. These AI based technologies will take your order and discuss the ingredients you want on you pizza. One major pizza delivery company has already implemented such a system.
Best Regards
Paul Luciw


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

What Is The Human Condition In 2020?

There are a number of factors to consider when trying to understand the human condition in today's world. These includes advances in technology and mankind's effect on the environment. There are other factors to consider, however this article will focus on these two factors.
Advances In Technology
Advancing technology is changing the human condition. It is not just the advancing of technology but the pace at which it is changing. All through human history advances in science and technology has been transforming how we live. Today the rate at it which it is changing is staggering. Consider the advent of the computer and the internet. These technologies have transformed how we do business and communicate with each other. It seems everybody has a smart phone these days. These devices are phones that are packaged with electronics that what would be considered to be a super computer when man first set foot on the moon and launched the first space shuttle. These phones are equipped high-resolution cameras and can easily record any event and spread it all over the internet using numerous social media platforms, literally at the speed of light. All human events are now being covered by potentially 3.5 billion smart phones as of 2020 and number is growing everyday.
These advances in computer technology also mean there are cameras located everywhere that monitor all of our movement. These videos are recorded and stored on hundred's of thousands of web severs throughout the world.
Video surveillance in the workplace is everywhere and has become accepted as the norm by most employees. Can you say big brother. Do employers have the right to monitor their employees using video cameras? Unfortunately the use of video cameras in the work place is quite common in places such as Canada.
Mankind's Affect On The Environment
It seems every time you watch the news there is talk of how mankind is affecting the climate in a negative way. There always talk of the climate change and how the related overall warming of the planet will increase the number of extreme weather events. This means more hurricanes, flooding and wild fires that are completely out of control. Just ask the people who live in Western Canada, California and South East Asia.
Of course mankind's effect on the environment is not just limited the land. The effects on the environment can be seen in rivers, lakes and oceans. These bodies of water are being choked with plastic and various toxic chemicals.
One source stated that in 2015 eight million tons of plastic waste are dumped in the oceans each year and the overall effect of this will mean there will be a tenfold increase in amount plastic waste by 2020.
This not only affects the helpless creatures that live in these environments but also the people living in the vicinity.
Best Regards
Paul Luciw

Energy Saving Ideas For Your Home

Enregy Saving Ideas For Your Home

Can Alternative Energy Save You Money Heating Your Home and Proving You With Hot Water?

From an Article By Paul Luciw 

There are a number of ways to make your home more energy-efficient. These methods are practical and cost-effective. The bottom line is that they will save you money with heating, cooling and supplying electricity to your lights and appliances.
Solar Panels For Your Home
One solution is to add solar panels to your home. These can used to supply electricity and also can be used to help creating hot water in your potable water supply.

Solar panels absorb sunlight using photovoltaic cells. These photovoltaic cells create direct current, which is type of electricity that flows in one direction. However the appliances used in your home use alternating current, which is a type of electricity the runs in two different directions through the wiring of your home in phase system. Your solar panel system will therefore need an inverter to convert the DC electrical energy into usable AC electrical energy.
Most home owners install these panels on their roofs. However this is not say you cannot setup a row of these panels in your backyard where the most hours of sunlight hit the ground.
Building solar panel with proven plans would be a practical solution helping to reduce energy costs and make your home more energy-efficient. However this will be technical task and proper guidance will be necessary for most individuals.
Roof Top Solar Panels
Home are being constructed with roof tiles that have solar panels built-in them. These roof tiles look like a normal roof but solar panel are built into them and will help subsidize your energy bill.
Windows as Solar Panels
Recently the solar power industry have found methods to use windows to provide energy for a building. These solar-powered windows can be used to replace the existing windows in a building and make the structure more energy-efficient. These windows contain tiny solar cells that convert sunlight into energy. This energy is converted into electrical energy and can used directly. Excess electrical energy is stored in a battery to used later.. Apparently one of these windows can supply enough energy to charge a cell phone twice a day.
 Other Energy Conservation Methods
Using energy-efficient light bulbs is one way to make you household more energy-efficient. There are a number of energy-efficient light bulbs available to the consumer. These include the halogen incandescents, compact fluorescent lamps and light emitting diodes (LEDs). These are very popular and can be purchased in various hardware and grocery stores.
Energy inefficient incandescent light bulbs are being phased out but are still available at lower cost per unit. However they have a shorter life span when compared to these more efficient sources of light. You do the math.

Reduce Your Electricity Bill Using Solar Panels

Reduce Your Energy Bill With Solar Panels

Reducing your electricity bill can be done in a number of ways..Reducing the amount of hot water you use is one way. Also reducing the amount of light you use can also do this. These methods may be realistic so why not consider solar panels.


From Wikipedia
The term solar panel is used colloquially for a photo-voltaic (PV) module.
A PV module is an assembly of photo-voltaic cells mounted in a frame work for installation. Photo-voltaic cells use sunlight as a source of energy and generate direct current electricity. A collection of PV modules is called a PV Panel, and a system of Panels is an Array. Arrays of a photovoltaic system supply solar electricity to electrical equipment.

The most common application of solar energy collection outside agriculture is solar water heating systems.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Home Alternative Energy Ideas


Your microhydropower system will need a few simple components to provide Your home with a renewable energy source. 
First you will need a waterwheel, turbine or pump to convert the flow of water into electricity. Using one of these components water will be diverted to a water conveyance such a pipeline which will drive or turn a waterwheel or turbine. The rotation of the turbine or waterwheel will be used to power an alternator or generator thus creating electricity. This system can be on or off-grid and will supplement electricity needs.

Overall a Microhydopower System Consists of The Following Components (according to the Website Microhydropower Systems):

  • Water conveyance -- channel, pipeline, or pressurized pipeline (penstock) that delivers the water
  • Turbine, pump, or waterwheel -- transforms the energy of flowing water into rotational energy
  • Alternator or generator -- transforms the rotational energy into electricity
  • Regulator -- controls the generator
  • Wiring -- delivers the electricity.

Turbines and generators can be purchased in a single package. These systems require careful setup with regards to matching the generator with the turbine horsepower and speed.

Planning a Microhyropower System

Wind Power For Your Home

It is possible to use wind power to provide electricity for your home. This type of power is renewable, clean and cost-effective. Of course the return you get on your wind turbine system will be dependent on the amount of wind you receive and the system you invest in.
Yo will typically see a return on investment anywhere from six to 30 years. After that, the electricity the turbine produces will be virtually free.

If your main goal is to reduce the cost of your electricity bill  a grid-connected wind system might be ideal for you. Being connected to the electrical grid will allow you to install a smaller generating system that doesn't have supply all of your electrical needs.

When your energy demands are too high for your wind turbines, the extra power you need is drawn from the electrical grid. And if you consistently generate more electricity than you need, you could find yourself getting cash back from your utility company.

This investment could also increase the value of your home.


Solar Shingles

Solar shingles are an excellent idea with regards to avoiding the installation solar panels. These are basically Photoelectric roof tiles and operate on the same principle as solar panels.

Solar shingles are much easier to install than solar panels. They are as easy to install much like roofing shingles and will do their part protecting your home from the elements.

 A similar, less expensive option could be to install solar skylights. These are see-through solar panels that have the appearance of traditional skylights but generate some energy for your home.
This type building design uses solar energy in the form of heat during the colder days of the year and conversely rejects solar heat during the warmer days of the year. This system uses your homes windows, walls and floors to collect, store, reflect ans distribute solar energy. This system does not use mechanical and electrical systems to achieve heating or cooling used in active solar heating systems.

Alternative Energy Ideas For Your Home

Many home owners are considering how to make their property more energy friendly. This often involves the installation of various types of alternative energy systems. These systems will cost money to install but will save the home owner money in the long run if installed in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Many of these systems have already been installed homes throughout Canada, USA and other parts of the World. These are solar panels and various types of wind turbines. The reason many these home owners have installed such systems is because they are tired of being held hostage by the power companies. These various home owners have discovered how to build their own solar panels wind powered energy power plants.

Building your own solar panels and other related alternative energy systems will require a proven plan to them up and running and save you money on your energy bills. You can learn how to do this searching the internet as many of these sites claim to give you the necessary information to complete these projects. However not all websites will give you the necessary details. These websites will of require some sort of payment to build the alternative system you require for your home.

Building solar panels to create energy is a technical task. A solar panel is a precision piece of equipment, so you will need a proper set of instructions to complete the task.

Some websites claim that you can build your own solar panels for as little as $200 and find all the parts you need in your local hardware store. The electricity generated by these panels can power up any appliance in your home. These websites claim you will not need any specials skills to accomplish the production of these solar panel system.

Other alternative energy systems to consider is the use of wind turbines. Wind turbines operate on simple principle. Wind is used to move propeller like blades that drive a turbine to generate electricity. This the same principle that used to generate electricity at every hydro-electric dam. except wind is used instead of the flow of water.


Of course the sun or wind is not always available to create electricity to provide energy for your household appliances. This means you will need batteries to store the energy created during the up times of your alternative energy producing systems. There are a number of battery designs available. Many these battery systems can be easily constructed in a timely and cost-effective manner.


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Using The Solar Panel - Alternative Energy Idea

The energy provided by a system using solar energy panels is electrical. The panels provide DC current. An inverter can be used to convert the DC current to AC current. This current can be used by various appliances in your home.
Different solar energy systems can be purchased at your local building supply store or other related retail outlets. This systems will be sold according to their potential power output. The more power they are capable of producing the more they will cost. The low power units will be ideal for outdoor lighting, small water pumps and other outdoor tools. If you are purchasing a home size or business size system of solar energy panels it would be best to seek out a local retailer of solar energy panels or a green energy retailer  that specialize in these systems. There is also plenty of information available on the internet. These resources will discuss different solar energy panels and where they can be purchased.

Please visit to learn more about the various alternative energy systems such as the wind turbine that help you reduce your monthly utility bill.

How A Solar Panel Works

The Sun produces a range of energy which we can only see a small part of as visible white light. Solar panels turn another part, or wavelength, of the range of light into electricity that can be harnessed.

Photo-voltaic Cell
A photo-voltaic cell (PV Cell) produces electricity on the principle that electricity will be produced when two semiconductors are exposed to a particular wavelength of light.

In this renewable energy system groups of PV Cells are linked together to form panels, the bigger the panel and the more cells, the greater the amount of electricity can be produced.

Building Your Own Solar Panel System In a Timely and Cost-Effective Manner

Inside of the Energy 2 Green manual you will get the step-by-step instructions that you can use to build varigous types of solar panels.

How The Wind Turbine Works
Many people have seen wind turbines at some point or another in their life, but does the average person know how wind turbines work? We hope to answer that question so you will understand what makes wind power such a great alternative energy. The concept behind the wind turbine technology is not that difficult to understand. The wind blows, which turns the turbine blades. These blades are connected to a shaft that turns with the blades, and attaches to a generator which creates electricity and sends it to a sub-station.

Sources of Energy That Can Be Used For Alternative Energy Systems

These energy sources are renewable and do not give of green house gases such as Carbon Dioxide known as CO2.

  • Sun
  • Wind
  • Water
  • Biomass
  • Waves and tides
  • The heat of the soil, all provide alternatives to non-renewable energy
  • Turbulent Hydro(Solution through the water)
  • Working On Fusion Energy.
  • Solar Energy (Source to unlimited energy)
  • Altaeros Bat(Buoyant Airborne Turbine

Renewable Energy Technology and How It Is Used In Today's World

This is an article written by Paul Luciw With the rising cost of fossil fuels and the effect they are having on the environment people h...