Your microhydropower system will need a few simple components to provide Your home with a renewable energy source.
First you will need a waterwheel, turbine or pump to convert the flow of water into electricity. Using one of these components water will be diverted to a water conveyance such a pipeline which will drive or turn a waterwheel or turbine. The rotation of the turbine or waterwheel will be used to power an alternator or generator thus creating electricity. This system can be on or off-grid and will supplement electricity needs.
Overall a Microhydopower System Consists of The Following Components (according to the Website Microhydropower Systems):
Turbines and generators can be purchased in a single package. These systems require careful setup with regards to matching the generator with the turbine horsepower and speed.
Planning a Microhyropower System
Wind Power For Your Home
It is possible to use wind power to provide electricity for your home. This type of power is renewable, clean and cost-effective. Of course the return you get on your wind turbine system will be dependent on the amount of wind you receive and the system you invest in.
Yo will typically see a return on investment anywhere from six to 30 years. After that, the electricity the turbine produces will be virtually free.
If your main goal is to reduce the cost of your electricity bill a grid-connected wind system might be ideal for you. Being connected to the electrical grid will allow you to install a smaller generating system that doesn't have supply all of your electrical needs.
When your energy demands are too high for your wind turbines, the extra power you need is drawn from the electrical grid. And if you consistently generate more electricity than you need, you could find yourself getting cash back from your utility company.
This investment could also increase the value of your home.
If your main goal is to reduce the cost of your electricity bill a grid-connected wind system might be ideal for you. Being connected to the electrical grid will allow you to install a smaller generating system that doesn't have supply all of your electrical needs.
When your energy demands are too high for your wind turbines, the extra power you need is drawn from the electrical grid. And if you consistently generate more electricity than you need, you could find yourself getting cash back from your utility company.
This investment could also increase the value of your home.
When your energy demands are too high for your wind turbines, the extra power you need is drawn from the electrical grid. And if you consistently generate more electricity than you need, you could find yourself getting cash back from your utility company.
This investment could also increase the value of your home.
Solar Shingles
Solar shingles are an excellent idea with regards to avoiding the installation solar panels. These are basically Photoelectric roof tiles and operate on the same principle as solar panels.
Solar shingles are much easier to install than solar panels. They are as easy to install much like roofing shingles and will do their part protecting your home from the elements.
A similar, less expensive option could be to install solar skylights. These are see-through solar panels that have the appearance of traditional skylights but generate some energy for your home.
This type building design uses solar energy in the form of heat during the colder days of the year and conversely rejects solar heat during the warmer days of the year. This system uses your homes windows, walls and floors to collect, store, reflect ans distribute solar energy. This system does not use mechanical and electrical systems to achieve heating or cooling used in active solar heating systems.
Alternative Energy Ideas For Your Home
Many home owners are considering how to make their property more energy friendly. This often involves the installation of various types of alternative energy systems. These systems will cost money to install but will save the home owner money in the long run if installed in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Many of these systems have already been installed homes throughout Canada, USA and other parts of the World. These are solar panels and various types of wind turbines. The reason many these home owners have installed such systems is because they are tired of being held hostage by the power companies. These various home owners have discovered how to build their own solar panels wind powered energy power plants.
Building your own solar panels and other related alternative energy systems will require a proven plan to them up and running and save you money on your energy bills. You can learn how to do this searching the internet as many of these sites claim to give you the necessary information to complete these projects. However not all websites will give you the necessary details. These websites will of require some sort of payment to build the alternative system you require for your home.
Building solar panels to create energy is a technical task. A solar panel is a precision piece of equipment, so you will need a proper set of instructions to complete the task.
Some websites claim that you can build your own solar panels for as little as $200 and find all the parts you need in your local hardware store. The electricity generated by these panels can power up any appliance in your home. These websites claim you will not need any specials skills to accomplish the production of these solar panel system.
Other alternative energy systems to consider is the use of wind turbines. Wind turbines operate on simple principle. Wind is used to move propeller like blades that drive a turbine to generate electricity. This the same principle that used to generate electricity at every hydro-electric dam. except wind is used instead of the flow of water.
Of course the sun or wind is not always available to create electricity to provide energy for your household appliances. This means you will need batteries to store the energy created during the up times of your alternative energy producing systems. There are a number of battery designs available. Many these battery systems can be easily constructed in a timely and cost-effective manner.